Site Leader Job Description


Site leaders may be located outside of Houston for the duration of their planning and working hours, with the exception of any leaders supporting an in-person session, which requires a Friday-Friday in-person commitment. 

Position Details:

  • Welcome Meeting on March 6th 2023
  • Required Weekly Trainings March 20th through April 25th
  • Site Leader Retreat March 25th 
  • Average of 6 hrs/week starting May 15th until the start of Civic Immersion sessions (can be done remotely) 
  • Facilitation of Civic Immersion sessions July 8-15 (in-person) or July 17-22 (remote) 
    • In-Person Site Leaders: expected to facilitate one session of Civic Immersion, and must be present in Houston with full-time capacity
    • Remote Site Leaders: expected to facilitate one session of Civic Immersion, but can be done with other part-time work or course schedule 
  • Site leaders will be compensated 
    • In-person site leader: stipend starts at $1,200*
    • Remote site leader: stipend starts at $1,000

*In-person stipend amount accounts for being available 24 hours/day during the in-person program.


Prior to program sessions, all site leaders will work with CCL staff to plan all aspects of the programs including recruitment, group sorting, community partner development, curriculum, and logistics. During session weeks, site leaders will work together to facilitate all aspects of the experience.  

  • PRE-PROGRAM PLANNING RESPONSIBILITIES | These responsibilities will be carried out by all site leaders throughout the months of May - July. Remote and In-Person Site Leaders will meet as a full team weekly throughout the duration of planning. 
    • Work with CCL staff and site leader team members to implement publicity/recruitment for participants and sort applicants/registrants into session and reflection groups 
    • Communicate with community partner(s) to plan co-educational sessions 
    • Site leaders will have opportunity to choose from existing partners and/or to approach new partners based on their social issue interests and preferences 
    • Work within student leadership teams to design a comprehensive session schedule  
    • Take lead on various aspects of logistics, such as remote: online platform preparation (Canvas) and participant communications 
  • in-person: meal planning and transportation 
  • Work with site leader team members to design/implement pre-trip curriculum and educational workshops during Civic Immersion sessions on key concepts such as the foundations and practices of civic leadership, critical vs. traditional service, and social justice 101: privilege, power, oppression, and identity 
  • Video conference into weekly check-in meetings with CCL staff and lead teams and report out on progress 
  • WEEK OF RESPONSIBILITIES – IN-PERSON SITE LEADERS: During the week of their session, site leaders will work with their leadership team to facilitate in-person programming throughout the entire week. This includes: 
  • Logistics – participant communication, managing group content via online platform (Canvas), community partner communication, organizing transportation and meals 
  • Community Partnership – coordinating in-person/hybrid site visits and hands-on service opportunities for all in-person participants 
  • Facilitation – Co-facilitating daily, in-person reflection groups of 10-15 participants 
  • Peer Leadership – Guiding participants through the week of educational and social programming and acting as a resource for new students 
  • In-person site leaders will be expected to work ONE session of Civic Immersion, with a full-time Friday-Friday commitment in Houston. 
  • WEEK OF RESPONSIBILITIES – REMOTE SITE LEADERS: During the week of their sessions, site leaders will work with their leadership team to facilitate remote programming throughout the entire week. This includes: 
  • Logistics – participant communication; community partner communication; managing group content, Zoom logistics, and discussion groups on online platform (Canvas) 
  • Community Partnership – coordinating and co-facilitating remote educational workshops and remote action opportunities for remote participants 
  • Facilitation – Co-facilitating daily, remote reflection groups of 10-15 participants 
  • Peer Leadership - Guiding participants through the week of educational and social programming and acting as a resource for new students 
  • Remote site-leaders will be expected to work ONE session of Civic Immersion, with flexibility to work outside of Houston and in conjunction with other part-time work or course schedule. 
  • POST- PROGRAM RESPONSIBIITIES – These responsibilities will be carried out by all site leaders throughout the months of August – December. Remote and In-Person Site Leaders will host events that will continue participants' engagement from the Civic Immersion week and discuss future opportunities with CCL.  
    • Creating spaces for participants to reflect on different social issues 
    • Implementing events that allow students to connect with different stakeholders ( community partners, alumni, etc)
    • Work with CCL staff to implement and host events that allow CI participants to regroup in the fall semester  
    • Create a communication plan that engages Civic Immersion participants  
    • Video conference into monthly check-in meetings with CCL staff and lead teams and report out on progress 

In order to be prepared for the summer leadership position student site leaders will attend weekly training sessions during the spring semester (one hour weekly plus a one-time half-day retreat) with CCL staff: 

  • Weekly one-hour training meetings throughout March & April 
  • Orientation - March 6th (4 pm- 5 pm)  
  • Retreat – Saturday, March 25th




Monday - Friday
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


Center for Civic Leadership
Rice Memorial Center, Room 208
6100 Main St.
Houston, TX 77005


Phone: 713-348-2223
Fax: 713-348-5885


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