
We just subscribed to Turbovote, which allows Rice students to register to vote and get election reminders. Here is the link for the Rice portal: rice.turbovote.org 


Through the RICEngaged initiative, the Center for Civic Leadership supports political participation by connecting students, faculty, and community partners. Our aim is to leverage our shared commitment to democratic values to make issue education, advocacy, and political participation as accessible and effective as possible. Check out the tabs to the left for upcoming events in preparation for the 2018 midterm elections and useful resources for staying informed and active in our democracy.


Monday - Friday
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


Center for Civic Leadership
Rice Memorial Center, Room 208
6100 Main St.
Houston, TX 77005


Phone: 713-348-2223
Fax: 713-348-5885
Email: ccl@rice.edu


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