Talk to me about: HART, HPE, LRME, RFE
Major: Political Science and Social Policy Analysis
Minor: Politics, law, and Social Thought; Anthropology
Residential College: Lovett College
Hi everyone, my name is Erica Takang, I am a junior from Lovett studying political science and social policy analysis. My journey with the CCL started even before I matriculated to Rice with Civic Immersion. This program introduced to me the unique social issues that Houston communities encounter and the amazing work that organizations are doing to mitigate them. From there I had the opportunity to engage with the CCL as a site leader for both Civic Immersion and Alternative Spring Break (ASB), and also through fellowships such as Loewenstern. All of these experiences have given me the unique opportunity to discover what I am passionate about and learn firsthand what is required to create sustainable solutions. Now in this role as an ambassador, I am excited about sharing these programs to the student body and helping students discover their own passions!