Catherine Zhou

Talk to me about: HART, HPE, LRME, RFE

Major: Computer Science

Minor: Biochemistry/Cell Biology, Religion

Residential College: Will Rice College

Hi everyone! My name is Catherine Zhou, and I’m a sophomore at Will Rice studying Computer Science with a minor in Biochemistry/Cell Biology and Religion. My journey with the CCL began when I joined an Alternative Spring Break (ASB) during my freshman year focused on health and homelessness, which opened my eyes to the power of community-driven solutions and how I could apply technical skills to address social issues. Since then, the CCL has been instrumental in nurturing my interest in volunteering and helping me bridge my academic pursuits with community engagement. I was awarded a Goliard Fellowship through the CCL to explore the intersection of religion and social issues in Thailand. Inspired by the challenges I witnessed there, particularly around sex trafficking, I'm now leading an ASB program addressing this complex issue in Houston. As an ambassador, I'm excited to help fellow students, especially those in STEM fields, explore the transformative experiences offered by the CCL.


Monday - Friday
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


Center for Civic Leadership
Rice Memorial Center, Room 208
6100 Main St.
Houston, TX 77005


Phone: 713-348-2223
Fax: 713-348-5885


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